Date: 2009.05.14
Participants: vh, km, sn, ro, yp
Protocol written by: sn
Download as [pdf]
Most important topics and deadlines:
todo list for intermediate report
- Introduction (km) DONE
- Definition (km) DONE
- Modular Building Concept (sn) DONE
- Website (sn) DONE
- Objectives -> taken from showcase paper
- Methodology -> taken from showcase paper
- Current Status (???) OPEN
- Experiments
- Purpose (km) OPEN
- Experiments km -> taken from showcase paper
- Experiments sn -> taken from showcase paper
- Objectives
- Builiding and Storage (ro) OPEN
- General Background (km) STARTED
- Moringa Background (km) STARTED
- Spirulina Background (km) STARTED
- Food Production Backgrorund (sn) OPEN
- Energy Background (vh) OPEN
- Current Status (???) OPEN
- Protocols (sn) OPEN
- Literature Research List (???) OPEN
=> vh assembles everything he received by mail until Sunday evening => km and sn finalize the report on Monday evening after the presenttion => The document layout should be taken from the showcase paper due to lack of time for creating a new one
todo list for Presentation
- Layout -> sn sends it around on Friday
- Assembly of report parts -> sn on Monday
- Presenting is done on Monday by km, vh, sn
- The presentation shall contain the following points
- Introduction (vh) : Definition TK, Project History, etc
- Methodology (sn) : Flowchart, Monitoring, meetings, web, etc
- Objectives (km) : graph, focus areas, expriments