Protocol 2009.07.08

Date: 2009.07.08
Participants: km, sn

Protocol written by: sn

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Most important topics and deadlines:

We already discussed the last official meeting that we are currently still far away from our main idea of a building concept because we have not yet discussed how our individual findings can be ooperated into the technologies select by the others. thus we thought that it could be difficult to ome up with a sound result until the final deadline.

An alternative goal for our project could be to discuss our reviewed technologies by the different ssues raised in our definition of TK (which can be found in the wiki under http://ilias.fhkoeln.
). which includes the problematic of storing knowledge, the critique of the usage of technologies in evelopment projects and by development agencies and how this would be the same/differ in our roject, etc…

This would be one idea but everybody should say what he or she thinks about it or what could be urther ideas. We can discuss it by mail because our next official meeting is already on next onday.

Issues raised during the discussion

 We are in the unique position to have chosen our own objectives, thus we can also change them 😉 Why? Well at least as far as I am concerned I have to admit that I see the entire concept of indigenous/traditional knowledge (in development cooperation) quite a bit different then when we started with the project (hey I learned something 😉 ).

To put it bluntly I think our original plan was pretty naive regarding the topic itself as well as it’s implementation in the semester project. hus we should think about a more realistic plan before spending too much time on this building concept idea which in the end will probably not result in a satisfying result. What sn and me discussed was that we have a more critical look at how TK is used in evelopment cooperation, and what problems or conceptual difficulties are.

For example the idea of codification of this knowledge and problems related to that etc. Most of the work and literature for that we already have, and our individual topics of interest could be integrated into it pretty well. For example: vh windmills are a good example for the more theoretical problem that european traditional knowledge" isn’t seen as such.
Or yp‘s example of the people not willing to share their knowledge. and so on.

But I guess we really need to discuss it in person, and currently your work on the literature review is not effected in any case so continue what you are currently working on 😉

Main objectives for next meeting:


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