Date: 2009.08.18
Participants: vh, km, sn, yp
Protocol written by: km
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Most important topics and deadlines:
Well, due to the delicious food we didn’t do much yesterday but here is my idea for the mayor topics of the DSS again:
Three main groups:
1. Community involvment
Some ideas:
Information, consent, resposabilities, financial rescources, equitable involvement, gender issues,
group minorities, community concils, elders advisatory boards, youth involvement, utilisation of
existing structures and organisatioins/groups, external NGO involvment (negative/positive) etc.
2. Reseach itself
Some ideas:
Community researchers, interlectual propery of research results, storage of research (type and
location), codification of research, transformation of research results, application of research etc.
3. Sustainability
Some ideas:
Natural sustainablility, community sustainability (organisations and teaching), financial
Issues raised during the discussion:
In addition me and sn talked about the implementation of the DSS. While I think having a webbased version would be really nice (but sn encountered some technical difficulties), but after a good nights sleep I am starting to think an exel/openoffice calc based version might offer the better solution. First of all because it is most likely easier to implement, and can be put as an download on the webpage too. But also because these could easily act as both interactive computer based work sheets but also as print outs for field work (and during field work you also have often no internet connection 😉 ). In addition these could easily include nice interactive graphs similar to the IUCN barometer of sustainability, which would be nice to have for our poster and final report. What do you think?
Main objectives for next meeting:
- We agreed to meet on Friday the 21st aound 5pm in the ITT the next time!
- Please think about issues to include in the main groups I wrote about earlier (maybe also a fourth group?)