Date: 2009.06.03
Participants: sn, ro, yp, sp
Protocol written by: yp
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Most important topics and deadlines:
- Submission of LITERATURE REVIEW (deadline: next Monday)
- In the meeting on next Tuesday, everyone should present the LITERATURE REVIEW (Time: each around 10 min)
- km need to make the presentation about the experiment in the next meeting
Issues raised during the discussion:
- About the definition of local knowledge, sn mentioned the difficulty of the combination for the local knowledge and technical knowledge
- ro finds it is more difficult to give the definition when he read more literatures
- sn said that we have got the permit and right to use the Wiki on ilias
The definitions of local knowledge could be combined later and edited in Wiki on ilias, sp suggests more discussion for the definition.
- ro mentioned “case study”, sp suggests to show the cases in the literature review, which is an overview and argument, the content, how it works, material, cases and so on, there is the generalization at the end
- yp asked the possibility of quoting the literatures which are in Chinese and published in China. And is it possible to when use the pictures on the internet which are not published.
- sp agreed with that and suggested the clear quote for the text and pictures.
- The format of the LITERATURE REVIEW will be sent by sp this week
- sp will send us the mid-term report tomorrow or Friday
Main objectives for next meeting:
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