Sub-Objective: Energy

The use of hydropower, windmills and watermills are known as as clean
production of energy. Windmills and watermills have been used for
centuries, and storage of water is widely accepted for energy
storage. Moreover, the concept of hydro power is recovering focus due
to decentralization of electricity production. It all together could
be mixed for a small scale clean production of electrical energy. The
main points to reach it trough traditional technology, is:

  • harnessing the power of wind and
    water for pumping water trough means of traditional
    watermills/windmills for micro hydro power generation, irrigation
    and other water demands.
  • determining
    a optimal low cost, high effective traditional windmill and water
    mills to drive a pumping system.

  • conceptualizing
    a Pelton Turbine fabricated on low-cost, natural and widely
    available materials, capable of being set into motion through means
    of low water flow.

  • Locate
    a traditional pumping system of high head capacity to gain potential
    energy for power generation purpose.

  • Search
    for other means of traditional technologies that allow for power
    generation, and allow for diversification of energy resources.

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