Definition of Traditional Knowledge [new version]


Many terms and definitions exist for what we call
Traditional Knowledge (TK) in our semester project, among them
are Indigenous Knowledge, Local Knowledge or
Farmers’ Knowledge. Each of them are addressing
different aspects (El Beer, 2007) but are also often used
interchangeably (Nakata, 2002). Yet, no common definition on which we
could base our work is available, thus we see the need to suggest our
own. Our aim is not to create an universal definition of TK
but to incorporate many of its different connotations in order to
form a sound description on we can base our work and which may also
lead to a substitution of the term Traditional Knowledge by a
more suitable one. For convenience reason we use the term Traditional
(TK) as a synonym for the afro mentioned terms
in the course of our definition finding.

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Livesign and updates

It has been a long time since we updated our blog. This was partly our own fault but now we have some updates related to the proress and aim of our project.

Iniitialy we thought to conduct (literature) research about different traditional technologies and knowledge(TK) which could be combined to form a set of technologies applicable in highly urbanized areas, slums, megacities, etc. in order to empower the people to improve their living conditions with that technologies. However, in the process of research we dicovered that our initial definition about TK was just too simple and didn’t cover many aspects related to that topic. We weren’t even aware that research in that area exist in order to find a more or less suitable definition of what traditional knowledge is. 

Now that we know more about this very complex and interesting topic we decided that our aim to document TK is exactly what is often criticized. Documentation of TK is not wrong per se but depends on the people who document. Often these people are western scholars and scientists that just record a snapshot of a particular knowledge at a certain time, thus removing the knowledge from the environment it is existing.

Due to new understanding of TK we wrote a relative extensive literature review about TK and adjusted our project objectives. We still want to conduct literature research about different traditional technologies but want to apply our definition to the anlyzed technologies in order to find out to what extend a documentation of those technologies would render them unusable. In the course of our analysis we want create an (online) questionaire which could be used as guideline when deliberating about whether a certain TK could be applied in a project.

Our new definition of TK and the adjusted project objectives will be put online as soon as possible.

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Protocol 2009.05.14

Date: 2009.05.14
Participants: vh, km, sn, ro
, yp 

Protocol written by: sn

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Protocol 2009.05.04

Date: 2009.05.04
Participants: vh, km, sn, ms
, sp 

Protocol written by: km

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Posted in Protocol | Comments Off on Protocol 2009.05.04

Protocol 2009.04.27

Date: 2009.04.27
Participants: vh, km, sn, ro, 

Protocol written by: vh

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Posted in Protocol | Comments Off on Protocol 2009.04.27

Protocol 2009.04.21

Date: 2009.04.21
Participants: vh, km, sn, ro, ms
, sp 

Protocol written by: ro

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Posted in Protocol | Comments Off on Protocol 2009.04.21

Protocol 2009.04.06

Date: 2009.04.06
Participants: vh, km, sn, ro, ms

Protocol written by: vh

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Posted in Protocol | Comments Off on Protocol 2009.04.06

Potocol 2009.03.23

Semesterproject meeting #1
Date: 2009.03.23
Participants: Prof. Gaese, sp, vh, ro, sn, km
Protocol written by: km
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Protocol 2009.03.03


Protocol for initial meeting for the semester project "Traditional Knowledge"
Date: 03.03.2009
Participants: km, lr, ms, sp, sn, vh
Protocol writtn by: sn
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Introduction to Potocol Category

This is a placeholder for the soon to come purpose description of the protocol section.

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